Plus Size Fashion For Fall LookBook (Online Thrifting FT. Boohoo, Lularoe)

Plus Size Fashion For Fall LookBook (Online Thrifting FT. Boohoo, Lularoe) Hey Guys! I do apologize for filming this late at night--the lighting could be MUCH better! I'm trying new things and I'm learning from the experience! If you guys would like to see more videos like this, please let me know! I purchased all of these items from Mercari EXCEPT the beanie (Aliexpress for $2.00) the Graphic Shirt ( for $5.00 on sale) and the Boots (Gifted to me by my Boyfriend's Aunt) If you've never heard of Mercari, I did post a video which gives you more information on what it is and how it works. I do have an affiliate code that provides both you and I a $2.00 credit (Input Code upon sign up: GVCPFQ) if you are interested, but you are more than welcome to sign up without one. I personally love you?
