*Fashion Friday* First Outfit on a Budget Post!

Gah! I've been planning on doing one of these posts for such a looong time! I love piecing together cute outfits for great prices. Honestly I check out thrift stores, TJ MAXX, Marshall's, Ross, and NBC 1/2 of 1/2 whenever I get a chance, and I wanted to share this outfit with you guys for a while! Hopefully I can do a post like this at least once a month to show you guys an easy way to dress an article of clothing up or down, and maybe it will inspire some of you to check out a new store, thrift shop or online retailer when you get a chance.

The purse looks like it doesn't actually match, but the print of the dress has pink and white flowers and the leaves have 2 shades which are nude and a beige color. I found the Dress at a store called, "NBC Half of Half"" and the dress is by Charming Charlie. The retail price was $40.00 and I picked it up for $10.00 brand new. The shoes are by Guess, and I picked them up at the same store during a different visit for only $3.00 brand new. They retailed for $178.00. The purse is a Kathy Van Zeeland--I couldn't find this bag online to establish it's retail price but used ones are selling online for $100.00 and I paid $20.00 for it at my local DAV Red Racks thrift store.

So a purse, a pair of shoes and a dress for $33.00? Not too shabby!  Where do you guys go to hunt for the best deals around? What's the best deal you've gotten so far this Summer?
