I'm baaaack!

I'm finally better! I have finished moving, and I am settling in here at the new house pretty well. I kicked some major bronchitis ass thanks to lots of mucinex and an inhaler! I had no idea that breathing in so much ammonia could actually kill someone. Ugh. To celebrate turning a new chapter, I am planning on setting up my very first battlestation! (Oh, yeah!) So when it's finished, I'll gladly take pics and show you guys a cheap way to get one set up! So much awesome is happening, and I'm very fortunate to be able to share these things with you. Next week, Kat and I will be doing some hands-on research and development for our cosmetic line, and I'm more excited about that than I am for Christmas to arrive!

I'm also pretty happy about the new place of residence. My room is HUGE. I can do multiple cartwheels in it. My new roommate is a super chill and CLEAN person. She treats me like a friend, which is something I haven't experienced in almost a year. It's an awesome feeling to come home and actually be greeted in a friendly manner. I'm still getting used to it, but it's a huge mental and emotional relief. She's financially responsible too. I'm not used to that either, but it's a relief as well.

I missed you guys so much that I actually filmed 8 tutorials in the past 2 nights. I will be uploading very soon!

You guys will be meeting 2 lovely ladies who will be guest blogging here on the site. One, is my roommate Kat. The other is my good friend Jen. I will also be using their lovely faces for a few tutorials. I have been doing lactic acid treatments on Jen, and her skin just glows! We will be posting a video tutorial for at home LA treatments in the next week or two. Be on the lookout for it! If you guys have any questions or requests, please feel free to email me!

