Homemade/DIY Pore Strips (Recipe)

For 14 strips, you could pay around $8-$9.00. OR You could make your own for WAY cheaper! I have been using this recipe for about 2 years now.  

The Pros: It's super easy to make, works well, and doesn't hurt your skin. The Ingredients are very affordable, and most of you will have these items in your kitchen already.  

The Cons: It doesn't work as well as the Biore ones, so you may want to apply twice in one night. You HAVE to let it dry for it to work. With Gelatin, it can take a bit longer...think maybe 15-20 minutes for it to dry completely, depending on how thick you apply it.

A package of Unflavored Gelatin
 Milk (I used 2%, but any kind will do the trick)
A Small Microwave-Safe Bowl
A makeup brush (or clean paint brush)

Add 1 Tablespoon of the Unflavored Gelatin into the microwave-safe bowl. Add 1 Tablespoon of milk into the bowl as well. Mix well with a spoon. It may look kind of dry after mixing these two together, and if you'd like you can add 2 more drops of milk to the mixture. Heat this mixture up in the microwave until it melts. This can be 10 seconds to 20 seconds. It will be pretty hot, so wait a few seconds before applying it. Apply with the brush. You can smooth the liquid onto your nose, chin, forehead, cheeks, wherever your problem areas are. It will feel kind of weird and goopy, but leave it on until it dries. (depending on how thick the mix is, this could take about 10-20 minutes.)Peel off. Stare at the grime that came out of your face holes, call it "ugly" and throw that crap in the trash! There really aren't any miracle products on the market that can "shrink" pores. The best thing you can do is prevent them from expanding by taking care of your pores in the first place. :) Unclog them often, so they won't expand and exfoliate a few times a week to keep the skin fresh and bright. :) I hope that you enjoy this recipe as much as my lady friends and I do!


  1. Wow! Great stuff! Where do you get these ideas lol


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